Edit and Note - Support


I exerted to write this extension leaving behind  as much error,  weakness which I have known at this moment. I suggest reading through the whole Documentation and Home page before reporting  your remarks, since I have taken every note about the probable weakness, and/or tips, and change log.

Please listen to the weaks, tipswarning icons everywhere you see.

If you are curious about some technical details, tricks  being experienced and resolved by my way meanwhile the development, please read through also the Tutorial page.

As it was written in the Copyright info on the homepage, this extension has been yet left in its elementary form providing as much ability as I  thought useful, and surely involves in itself several of possibilities for further improvement. If you feel changing anything or adding any new features, do not hesitate to improve the code by yourself! At best estimate drop in a message me and take a note in your version to the original idea and author.  

I look forward to hearing from you, if you  have any suggestion, resolution about the mentioned weakness, improvements and mainly when you have an urgent notice about  too confusing errors  experienced at run of present evolving  state of this extension. I will answer you as my time allows and take every effort for resolving those errors which are prompt. I can promise to do only those at the moment. Naturally, I kindly receive your honorable mention if you have. But, I can not maintain either a forum or too much correspondence about several of details.


Helping both of us to follow the messages and also to send a response to you and taking any action if your message requires it:


Subject line: Please give a short reference regarding to the theme you mention: e.g. format it something like belows:

(At least the first two keywords are most important, however you can copy the sample text from here, leave the essential and delete the unnecessary ones.)


Re: Editenadnote 1.0 - Error (type:[Toolbar, Sidebar, general: saving, reloading, navigation, editing], occurence: [sometimes, freqently], seriousness: [minor, major, critical], urgency: [s, asap, u])

Re: Editenadnote 1.0 - Weakness (type:[what], resolving:[see body], are you ready to make by own:[y,n], claim cooperation:[y,n])

Re: Editenadnote 1.0 - Improvement (feature suggestion:[what], resolving :[see body], are you ready to make by own:[y,n], claim cooperation:[y,n])

Re: Editenadnote 1.0 - Translation (language:[what], are you ready to make by own:[y,n], claim to add your localization by me:[y,n])

Re: Editenadnote 1.0 - Honoring


Message body: Please write the problem or your message shortly and simple html. (link, bold, do not insert pictures in the body!)

Referring to Weakness type in the subject requires at least an outlook of the written ones in the documentation and home page.

Write here your suggested resolution.



Send your screenshots, test cases as picture or files reproducing any error occurring if it is possible.

Send your code (as .txt ) only if you claim cooperation, otherwise insert a link to a downloadable or not (e.g. code, other version,  reference etc.) in the message body to see, if you has a resolution and want to inform me about it.


I think, it is the simplest way following the threads, thus I ask you to denote your remarks in your mail Subject line at first contact, and leaving it for the future too, concerning to our correspondence.


* There would be some considerations about the translations owing to the localization of the clients side script which is not immediately part of the extension development environment. The localization of the extension is not problem, but the client side script requires a rewriting of the code, foreseeable as much times how many language. Momentarily I can not yet figure out how to resolve as much simple as it would be.


Drop in an e-mail: editandnote@indamail.hu

