Second part
  This is a very shorted chapter of the CD
By Attila Foldes (Translated by Julia Weaer)
In the earlier part of this study we reviewed attempts at making contact made so far. We know that the message sent by the radiotelescope near Arecibo, or the message carried by a space probe were not effective. In this chapter will we work through the essential significance of the message found on Mars. On every page an illustration can be found, along with a short explanatory text. The pictures are arranged to follow in built-up order. The pictures and explanatory text in themselves would explain the message. We must remember that the message we want to decode may come from a higher intelligence. Just think that this message was created 100 million years ago, when the dinosaurs were rulers of heaven and earth, and man’s ancestor was a 20 centimetre long shrew !
Mars as photographed by the Voyager 1 space probe from a distance of 520,000 km. The triangle traced out by the four enormous volcanoes can be well defined. The essential information of the message is coded in this triangle.                                  
This littele mouse (shrew) populated the starry tey with many imagined formations.
In man’s mind the stars came to picture 'the Lion', 'Orion', 'the Plough','Cygnus', to merge into the infinitude of the star world. So, in order to find our way among the stars we used our human thinking in naming the constellations. If someone were to send a message to us, or if we ourselves were to send a message, than we, too, would make use of geometric formations. For, on our gold plaque the message sent into the cosmos showed the planetary system, the frequencies of atomic oscillations depicted graphically, that is, drawn as formations. If we were to recive a message that would likewise have to arrive in this kind of form, for it woned have to have been adapted to our level in order that we should understand it.

At the same time, this could signify that in the universe the way of thinking is uniform. If there is some other intelligence that could think similarly to us, only it could more along other, more advanced roads to us. Let us not be suprised, then, if the message is not given across in a way usual to everyday life. Our own science did not do this, either. Certain parts of the message on the gold plaque can hardly be understood by everyday man.
That is why deserved respect should be shown for those intelligences that have conceived their message in a way that can be comrehended by almost everybody. The message, thus, is similar to the thinking of man on Earth, to his geometry, his mathematics, and yet the message that is here around us, but which we have not discovered.
It is very important to know !!    

As to whether it is a message or not, there is no need to decide here and now. The message is conveyed in a form, that has been checked from many different angles, and if appraised soberly cannot be viewed as pure coincidence. For, if the message, which was originally constructed in the plane, is drawn onto a globe, with the given straight lines like strips of rubber placed over the globe, the difference in length afforded by the slight curve of the lines on the globe and the straight lines is, in our case, so minimal that the straight lines can be used on the globe.   Later, the spherical calculations will decide on the precise values.    

The surface of Mars, as seen on the map of Mars prepared by the Swiss Company Hallwag.    

This is the shape to recognise.

 The enormous volcanoes can be seen. The grid has been placed over the globe. The volcanoes reign, overshadowing every other formation. The horizontal (latitudinal) lines have been drawn at every 15 degrees, which makes it difficult to decode the message. Even so, this is the map we will use as we progress towards the decodation of the message. (The scale used at the equator: 1 degree presents 59.12 km).
Begins the deciphere.    
To help visualization we will study a colored spherical map.     
Later we will learn that the latitudinal lines of ancient Mars vary by approximately 5-6 degrees compared to the latitudes of present time. The two black lines in the lengths being equal to. Thus, the first principles can be seen. Since we are on the equator the spherical distortion is very slight, despite the distorsion of map.  This is only to move our attention to this enormous triangle form. (Hallwag, Bern). The distances are nearly real here.  Let you measure please.(using a page and pen) 

Very important !!     
All the system is built on the foundation of first 3 decimal places are absolute punctual in all cases and each title is repeteated at least 3 times in other and other excution !!    

the calculations are made to several decimal places. The more decimals taken into consideration, the greater the change in meaning. 


A new smaller triangle is build up.  Originated from the big triangle. 30° = 1773.6 km.  15° = 886.8 km.   

The B side is smaller by 10%  to C side.     
If we examine the sides of the small triangle we see that side C is 886.8 km long. This is exactly half of one of the sides of the large triangle, and 1/24 of the equator.  Similar to the white line the Jovis Tholus (uppuer) volcano is just 15° too. Showing the construction.    
Thus, our small triangle can not only show a connection to the large one with reference to its vertex, but it is possible that it can be worked out from the large one. Every side of the small triangle can be obtained from the circumference of Mars. Let we see the small trianle.    
(It is worth noting that the dielectronic factor of the vacuum starts with 885. And this could be an allusion to this, for every unit can be obtained from the metre. Despite this, 886 is not equal to 885, and this must be acknowledged)     

 The 'A' side is smaller by 10% to the 'B' side.     
 Now ready the small triangle. But what is the reason of it.  Try we again but back.
The NASA's denominate of this volcano is "eye". It realy looks like that. Let it only an accident. So we have a lower eye and an upper eye and a 'mouth' if we would like.   
(Ascraeus Mons).
The middle and lower volcano gives the 9 and 10° lines.     
The length of the sides increase according to the powers of 10/9, or in reverse, decrease according to the powers of 9/10.    
(Picture: Hallwag, Bern).      
10/9=1.11111..... infinitive number and 1.1111111x 1.1111111= = 1.23456787654321 (we have the first 8 digist)    
The earth metre = ------------------------  1 m     
The mars metre = ---------- 0.532 m               
The Mars diametre cca. half of earth diametre.   
1 earth km = 1/0.532 kiloMars =1.879699 kM  (kiloMars)  

The 9° line gives the 1000 unit of any globe.    

On earth:1°=40000km/360°°,     
              111.111(km/1°) x 9°=1000 earth km  (Earth UNIT)   

On Mars: 1°=21283/360=59.12 earth km/1°,  59.12km/1°x9°=   
              =532 earth km=532x1.879699=1000 kMars. (Mars UNIT)   

This is the first universal constant we found. Later we can find at least two times this 1000 unit.    

Each title must occur at least 3 times in other and other forms.   
(1000 km on Earth, correspond 532 km on Mars = 1000 kMars). 

there is up a small crater. The distance from the big crater (Ascreaus mons) is 1000 earth km .
Later we will see what iportant this small crater. This 1000 unit is an constans to compare to the distances. (The distance given in earth unit, because the message directed to earth.)

I think you are tired by this number stream, but our message on the gold sheet much more numbered.

All theses results are worked out from the circumference of the globe (Mars). We also find the unit of length of 1000 to be used in construction, and this way we are always given the appropiate numbers and proportions. The starting point of the construction is this unit of 1000, after which comes the construction of the curve of 1773.6 km= (2 x R x Pi/12) and then that of the curve of 798.12km =((2 x R xPi /24)x(36/40)). In this way we get a triangle, the logical use of which helps to set down other elements of the construction.

                                   And now in summary the results of small triangle .

Remember to the law !!      
The first 3 digits are punctual!     
The rations of the sides.     
A = (40/36)**0 = 1.00      
B = (10/9)**1 = 1.11     
C = (10/9)**2 = 1.23     
Try to go on.....      
D=(10/9)**4  = 1.524      
E=(10/9)**8  = 2.323      
F=(10/9)**16= 5.396      
We have got a spiral direction.    
The meanings of the sides.    

A = 1.00 = Sun-Earth middle distance   
B = 1.11 = 0.387+0.723 = Mercury+Venus middle distances   
C = 1.23 = The numbers   
D = 1.524 = 1.524 Sun-Mars middle distance.   
E = 2.323 The middle of debris belt

This is not enough!    
The distance A=718.3 km. The Log Natural's number is e=2.7183 !!!    
When an engineer compute allways have to use this number.     
This is an universal constant.    
Now we can say: A=718.3 (km) = (e-2)x1000=718.3    
The 'A' distance expressed by Log Naturan's number !!
              The next is an unknowledge costruction on Earth. 

The rigth net on Mars    


  The construction is shown in this map.   
We have got the ancient martian net on Mars. Not only on Mars but on any globe ! We are not recognise this construction until. Now can reconstruct the history of Mars.

And now some 'unexplained stories'.

    I must say a few words about two peculiar formula, for it points to yet another
mystery of the cosmos. What follows is rather incredible, so I say beforehand: one either
believes it or  does not. Either way, the numbers are reality.

 In 1991 a friend of mine phoned me up and told me that a tractor driver had
explained how during night harvesting, one of the crew of a UFO had taken him up on
board and that these, large-eyed individuals he was unfamiliar with had given him a lot
of numerical data. Among things he had been told a square root formula,  too.
His "statement" was recorded on tape and I listened to this attentively right the way
through. The man - who has since then become a friend of mine - told his story in a
rather confused and hesitand manner.
For example, he said that:
"they talked of X squared divided by Y cubed, and always lots of zeros, there are always 024....024....always...twenty four...this is important they said!!"

Because it is doubtful that he is familiar with such calculations, I decided to believe what
he had said and to examine the accurancy of it. Thus, the formula he gave looks like
                                            X**2 / Y**3 = 0.024024024024024024024.......
If we now take X as being the time of revolution of a planet and Y as being its greatest
distance from the sun, then we discover that this formula express Kepler's law, only in
an unusual way. Well my friend certainly could not have known this. The non terminating decimal 0.024024024024...when referring to a given planet is the constant of the course of that planet.
It express the principle that if the square of the time of  revolution of any planet is divided by the cube of this planet's greatest distance from the sun, this gives the unchanging, fundamental astronomical constant number of the given planet. When I recognized this principle in the formula I immediately began  calculating the position of the "unknown planet". The time of revolution came out as X = 1234 days, the obtained greatest diatsnce from the sun was Y = 398.93 million km. The result is 0.02398 (need 0.024).

I took out my world atlas and looked at the diagram of the solar system found on  the first pages and I was suprised to find that 398.93 million km gave a point in the  very centre of the orbit  of the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter.  ( we could call it an orbit of planets of debris)
That is to say, the orbit of the asteroid. Perhaps some planetary catastrophe occured
there at some time. Science also assumes this. Though there is  also a hypothesis that
fragments of an unformed planet are in orbit there. I do not know, but the sentences in
question point to this orbit. This, too, may for some reason be very important from the
point of wiev of Mars.

My friend said further:
"This is very important. squaroot of three hundred and fifty five power five dot twenty five. They did close my small finger to pain, to remember".
As a means of  a comparison let us see the equator of Mars expressed in three
different ways:

C1 = 21,282.963 km expressed with "e"                  (K1= (e-2)x 1000x((9/10)**2)x2x12)
C2 = 21,283.2     km the middle circumference given by NASA
C3 = 21,285.25   km as expressed by the data received in the UFO
 C3 = 21,285.25 = 40 x   / 10000
                                       This is 5321312.56 cm.  The
                                      1000 kMars unit of Mars in cm .
                                                       (9°x59.12 = 532.08 km)

Well, this also makes one think. Now back to the construction.

With the above construction completed we are given the system of the volcanoes drawn to scale. The plane construction A + B and B, gives a right-angled triangle bordered by the equator.

Now, if we cut the construction out of rubber sheet and fit it over a globe,
the radius of which is R =((30° x 12) / (2 x Pi))°x(km,yard,inch etc.../1°)), then we have marked the position of the equator on the globe, and the volcanoes, also, are in their precise and actual positions.

All figures given are real. The course of the construction. The messages coded in the volcanoes become clear while working with this new grid.
Every calculation and measurement was made using one fortieth million of the earth’s circumference, that is, the metre. On Mars, however, a “metre” corresponds to but 0.53208 Earth metres. We could ask why the message wasn’t based on the use of the Martian metre. One possible answer is because the message was meant for us here on Earth. However, the formulation is one that can be understood universally, for all data is also expressed in degrees. And the useing of the Sun-Earth middle distance is in Earth metres. If the message had been formulated using only the Martian metre, then we on Earth would have had greater difficulty in recognising the system, because we are prone to use the anthromorphous and geocentric standards of our own planet. It is apparent that the use terrestrial standards when positioning the volcanoes was not the result of mere chance.

Note that in the picture the lengths A, B and C appear in several places. Now we can see where the distances of 798.12 km and 718.3 km, given in advance, come from. The small triangle of the eyes gives us the scale to be used when constructing the system of the big volcanoes. Duplication serves to reinforce that the construction has been executed as intended, for all information is given twice, and it also gives the scale. In addition, one of the longer sides of the triangle (30°) is used more than once in the construction, and we come across this length again later.
Here, a thing that is not perceivable on the map can be seen clearly. Based on the calculation the length A - B cross the equator at 0,0 degrees, not at the centre of the Earth volcano. Inspite of this, the system is recognisable. Here, let me note that on the latest NASA Mars map the lower rims of all three volcanoes touch the -10°, 0° and +10° lines of latitude. It seems that our decoding of the message is ahead of NASA’s appraisal of the map of Mars prepared by it. Our space probes carry a gold plaque that shows the structure of the solar system, and the alignment of the planets, that is the basic astronomical data. Our space probes did not have the technology to show the relative distances of the planets. On the gold plaque the planets are shown as being the same distance from the sun. Now let us see how the problem of conveying these distances can be solved more successfully.
 The message is expressed in astronomical units.
Let us give the volcanoes the following names : Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.

In picture another little volcano with a 50-60 km radius can be noted, positioned slightly above the upper, round eye.     
The Radian-volcano. (Hallwag,Bern).
Before we continue our hunt for volcanoes, let me mention that in this 3000 km region of Mars there are only 13 volcanoes of varying size.
So, this little upper volcano is at a distance of precisely 1773.6 kilometres from the Earth volcano. (30°) In other words,the 1000 unit scale to be used in the construction is given here, and here the distances are repeated for the third time. This unit of 1000 could be in metres, centimetres, feet, yards, radians, gradients whatever,only the globe must be prepared to a corresponding scale. 
Now, the next trip will be a heavy way. If you are not familiarized the math, read only the white texts please.
The distance of unit 1000 in degrees (°): The considered method of using the geometrical properties.1000 unit = (2 RxPi x ((36/40)**2) x (180/Pi)/24)/(e-2) = (2R xPi x 0.81 x 1rad/24)/0.7183= (360 x 0.81 / 24)/0.7183 = 16.91493805°

That is at all time: e = 2 + (12.15° / 16.914938° ) = 2.7183 = (natural logarithm).
In essence:
D=(1000U)= *********************************************(16.914938° long, always, yellow line )
A=(718.3U)= ****************************(12.15° long always, see small triangle 'A' side)

A/1000unit = 12.15°/16.914938° = 0.7183 (always, see small triangle 'A' side) and e=2.7183. This value is the same at any point of the universe !! In our case: 16.914938° x 59.12 km/1° = 1000 km These two numers are coded in degrees ( we could say “chised in stone” ). in the distances “D”(30°)  and “A” (12.15° and yellow line (1000 unit).

In this way the natural logarithm, one of the pillars of the cosmic world, is wins a general conception which can be reconstructed and recognised everywhere and all times. We know that on our map 1° = 59.12 km, so that by multiplying this by the given number we get the unit of distance as the desired Earth: The unit in earth kilometres = 16.914938°x 59.12km/1° = 1000 km. If the calculations seem to complicated, don’t warry, all that needs to be noted is that the 1000 km distance can be multiplied by the distance measured at 1° on the surface of a sphere of any size. A small spherical radius gives a small distance, a big spherical radius gives a big distance. For example, constructed proportionately on the surface of the earth the unit-distance would be 16.914938° x 111.111km/1°=1879.44 km. This is why the unit of 1000 on the earth alone gives 1000 km !! In other words, someone prepared the message for us !! Anyone can convert the 1000 unit distance to his own planet, but it is only to the intelligence on Earth that data really worthy of was afforded.

What is really wonderful about it is that this same distance - as we have seen - has been worked out for the universal values of the base number of the Natural Logarithm, and for the radians.
( Not that I wish to frightten the reader, but allow me demonstrate why “e”, the “Pi” and the “radian” are so important. These three numbers are indispensabele in electrotechnichs, mechanical rotations, radiomery, but also in expressing the 21 cm wavelength of the hidrogen atom given in the message we sent on the gold plaque.

Most frequently it appears in the following way: e**( j*Omega*t ). Here e=2.7183 and the Omega=2*Pi(radian) and the t = time.

Which is a very neat, universal solution. If it happens that not everything is clear, do not despair, because even I did not understand everything at first.

Countless number of times I put the whole thing aside and gave up trying. At first it was not at all the self-evident place and solution that I came across.I, too, was slave to a “geometric view of things”. I calculated everything in kilometres ontained from the dimensions of the earth. It seems that those leaving the message had counted on this. Which is why the metre system had to be used because - as we shall see - the astronomical Sun-Earth distance is also found coded there, almost exactly as it was engraved by our scientists on the gold plaque. For - the creators of the cosmic message must have thought - they are sure to calculate and depict the Sun-Earth distance using the system of measurements with kilometres that are ontained from the dimensions of the earth.

Let us see how they have given us the coding of the Sun-Earth real distance. The length giving the unit of 1000 is only 995.3 kilometres long if the angle is exactly 1 radian, for it is mathematically impossible to obtain a greater accuracy with the 1773.6 km (30 degrees) value. If the angle is 0.9997 radians then the distance of unit is exactly 1000. So the 3 digit accuracy is correct the radian = 1.  But all come to rigth if the system has an accurancy of In reality, Astronomers use the radius of the earth’s elliptically circular orbit around the sun to express one astronomical unit. Its value : 149.598 million kilometres.In the following sections, this distance is taken as the middle distance of the sun from the earth,so we know what it refers to,but what it actually means is the average radius of an elliptic orbit.I will use the notation AU (Astronomical Unit).
The expression “elliptically circular” is used because this orbit is almost circular.

In our constructions and calculations the actual 149.6 million kilometre distance appears on the surface of Mars, scaled down to 702.6 km. 
The circumference of Mars : C = 59.12km/1° x 360° =21283.2 km (calculated with the data on the map. Using middle radial).The proportional number used in reduction is the circumference of Mars multiplied by 10. Let us divide our terrestrial astronomical unit by ten times the circumference of Mars : (149 530 000 : 21,2832) : 10 = 702.6. As can be seen, we are given the Martian astronomical unit (Because of the nature of the system, greater accuracy is mathematically impossible, but satify the 3 punctual criterion).

This means that the Martian astronomical unit (702) is worked out from the real Sun-Earth middle distance. (149.6 million of km)

(To put it another way, the Sun-Earth AU has been divided by ten times the circumference of Mars. You can read more about later).

Earth and Mars, then, are connected by a piece of real astronomical data. Time must be given to taste, enjoy and digest this finding, because it is so different, so much newer than the solutions we have been used to. 
But let us see how this distance (702.6km) can be made use of. How can this distance be used to convey how far the sun is from Earth or Mars?    

We can see in the picture:    

- the sun-earth distance (10°=1 AU)    
- The sun-mars distance (15.24°=1.524 AU)    
- The 1 radian angle    
- The 30° distance again (3th) 
- the real sun earth distance scaled down to the surface of mars. (702.6km) (it will be important later) 
Divide the 1773.6 km (30°) side of the large triangle by the given number: 1773.6/702.6=2.524.  
The astronomical distances, according to celestial mechanics. 

 The volcanoes are given new names: Pavonis Mons=Earth. (in Hungarian:Foldes). The conveyance of astronomical data begins.  This number says a lot to astronomers,as the astronomical value of the Sun-Earth average radius (A U) is always 1, when used as a unit, and this is why this same value — where Mars is in question — is 1.524. Let us add the two values : 1 + 1.525 =2.524. That is, Earth and Mars data appears as two values added up. (Remember: at the small triangle the B=1.11 long. This was 0.723+0.387=1.11.  (Sun-Venus+Sun-Mercury)).

This means that if we take the unit 702.69, obtained from the sun and Mars, and mark this unit on the side of the large triangle, then at Earth and Mars we are given precise distances, that are in accordance with celestial mechanics.
The use of the Martian astronomical unit can be seen in the diagram.

If we look at picture we also find Mercury (Jovis Tholus) positioned between the sun (Olympic Mons) and Venus (Ascraeus Mons). Here, too, Mercury can be seen a little above the line connecting the Sun and Venus volcanoes.This is also a volcanic cone. Its diameter is 50 -60 km.The reader might ask why it is not positioned exactly on the Sun -Venus line,then we would know for sure that it was Mercury. The angle Venus-Sun and Venus-Mercury is exsactly 15°. Why?
The explanation is very simple. If it were positioned there, it would break the imaginary lines forming the large triangle, and nobody would perceive that an isosceles triangle were in question.If the Mercury volcano were only a little bit lower,then we would not consider it as being part of the presented system.If we were to try and move it over slightly,then it would become clear that the arrangement of the volcanoes would not work if it were done in a different way.
But it has an other wiev too.
Remember to the small triangle. We originated from the Sun-Venus distance divideing that into two part. The distance between Venus and Mercury is exactly 15°. We can discovery the law: divide the 30° by 2. OK. 30°/2 = 15°. The 15° not an accident!!  It is verifyed by the  Sun-mercury distance too. We need cut 15° long of line which is 15° angle between two lines.
Now let you measure the Sun-Venus and Sun-Mercury distance. Divide them, please. If it is 1.86 then you measure rigth.
The real number is: 0.723/0.387=1.8682 = Sun-Venus/Sun-Mercury

We are given the Sun-Mercury and the Sun-Venus proportions. Moreover, with astronomical accuracy. The accuracy with which we measure and calculate is reflected in the accuracy of the results we obtain.
If we measure the distance between Sun-Venus and Sun-Mercury and divide them it is 1.868. This is absolute punctual to the real distances ratio.
The real Sun-Earth distance:149,530,000 km = 21,283 km x 702.6  x 10  
The Mars cicumference = 21,283  
The  702.6 km you saw before as a cross-section.  
Who would have thought that a connection between a real astronomical distance and the circumference of Mars could be shown by using the radian ?   
Measuring this all-telling 702.6 onto a section representing one twelfth of the circumference of Mars, Let circumference of Mars=C then (C/12)/702.6=1+1.524, we are given, with great accuracy, the real, scaled-down astronomical distances.     
Our common sense finds this hard to accept.
  The spiral. The twisting spiral of the magical triangle of the “eyes” might refer to fractal galaxies.
The magnified computer diagram of the Martin “eyes”. Martian triangle were forming a spiral pattern. Yes, it is suggesting that the method of fractalanalysis be used to prove that origin is artifical. ( Well, this is what NASA scientists did. We heard about this in the section on “The Cydonia Hypothesis”).

The real wonder is we can find this thinking among the martian city too.

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All rigths by Attila Foldes