far our attempts
at identifying an extraterrestrial intelligent - have proved unsuccessful.
leads to our asking: what is the reason for
this failure ?
There are three possibilities:
a/ Either we are alone in the cosmos, or at least in that region of the
cosmos within our reach,
b/ Or the extraterrestrial civilization does not resemble that of the earth,
and that is why they
seek to make contact with us using methods different from ours.
c/ Or, other civilizations do not wish to make contact with us.
we consider each point in turn, we can start by excluding the first one.
cannot begin our analysis on the assumption that we are alone in the cosmos,
because in that case there would be no point in searching for fellow beings.
Since our assessment of the situation would likewise fail to have positive
results if the civilization were deliberately concealing itself from us,
the answer to point c/ should also be negative. We are supposing that the
civilization is more advanced than we are. Their
message-if one exists-is not being sent in a way we would have thought
of, and this is why we fail to recognise it. Continuing along this line
of thought, it is posible that this civilization only seeks to make contact
with those who are "mature enough" for the cosmos
( in other words, those who have reached a period in their development
when it is time to step out into the cosmos ). In this case we should be
searching for a message that could also show us the way into the future.
Moreover, if this is the case, we ought to change the pattern of thought
we have been used to until now, and realise
that we cannot use generally accepted methods to decipher the message.
This is a very serious inference, one
dictating the need to step over our own limits, the limits of our own technology;
it would be a question of accepting that we still have a lot of growing up to do. Not at all an easy or pleasant process on our part. |
evolution of the mammals took 65 million years. Which means that if 65
million years were needed for an intelligent human to evolve, then our
technical civilization and the space-age is merely a passing "30-year moment".
Assuming that the emergence of intelligent life was preceded by repeated
regression and dying out of species, then any message left for eventual
intelligent life would have to be one that would last for hundreds of millions
of years.
idea seems incredible and senseless, too.
Imagine a message that could send signs continuously for, let us say, l5O million years ? |
would serve as a useful basis for preparing to make contact. Possible characteristics
of a real cosmic message
1/ The message should be transmitted continuously for a span of at least
two or
2/ During this time any maintenance or repairs should be unneccessary.
3/ The signals should be directed at regions where a civilization is most
likely to have
4/ The signals should be transmitted only to civilizations that have reached
a suitable
5/ There should be no possibility of a chance occurrence (e.g. collision
with a
6/ The message should be "self-maintaining" and "self-repairing".
7/ The civilization that receives the message should be capable of deciphering
Our messages travel aimlessly through space. We do not know where, at present, a civilization is to be found, nor are we able to construct a piece of equipment that would last for 100 million years and one that during this time, would "repair" itself.
Can you imagine a piece of equipment like that ?
an intelligence more advanced than the one on Earth would be capable of
meeting such conditions.
the same time we must ask the question:
does a means of meeting the above requirements and suitable for sending a message exist ? The answer is yes. |
Let us examine the requirements of these seven points in the light of our attempts so far. The signals sent out by the gigantic telescope near Puerto- Rico were aimed at the group of stars the astronomers, named M13. The electromagnetic waves take 25,000 years to reach their target, and a similar electromagnetic answer to the signal would take another 25,000 years to gallop back across the cosmos to Earth. But where will humanity , the earth`s civilization, be in 50,000 years time ? Will anyone still be interested in an answer to a message sent by the forefathers 50,000 years ago ? Probably not.
a completely different way of getting to know the cosmos is possible, a
way built on attitudes so far unknown to us, yet ones we should become
acquainted with;
for man`s advance into the cosmos seems inevitable. |
it would be a comfort to know that, like us, other intelligences are unable
to build a radio transmitter capable of operating for 100 million years,
sending signals in all directions, needing no maintenance, being self-repairing;
and thus they have no choice but to think in accordance to the things expressed
in this study.
let us look at our space probes. They have
a lifespan of two to three million years. During this time the message
etched on the gold plate would be erased by the effect of cosmic radiation.
Not to mention point 3. according to which the signals sent out should
be emitted in directions most likely to lead to other civilizations. This
could only be based on guesswork, for as yet we do not know whether we
are alone in the cosmos or not, since research is still going on in this
area. Moreover, our space probes were designed to advance our knowledge
of the solar system, but a small part of the cosmos.(See our message on
the "gold seet") It is pointless to examine the question of our space probes
any further, since at the very outset they
fail to meet two of the requirements. Despite this, the space probe does
more to satisfy the conditions than emission of radio signals does. Thus,
within the bounds of the parameters summed up in the seven points, our
attempts to make contact run aground.
And now let us get back to the mooncraters.
If there were some method by which we could position man-made, artificial formations on the moon, which could be seen with a telescope, then we would be able to meet almost every requirement. It would be easy to show the man-made origin of the formations.
us see if this method would meet the set of conditions: Point
l. would be satisfied, because the craters really could be lOO-2OO million
years old, and they could be artificial, too. True, we most stop at point
2. If a meteorite were to crash into or beside the crater representing
the message, it could spoil things. Those looking for a sign could consider
our message as some chance occurrence, or could fail even to recognise
Considering point 3. the moon would be ideal, since the earth (for which
the message was intended) did become a place suitable for the development
of an intelligent lifeform.
Point 4. would be satisfied, too, because the craters could only be observed
by intelligent beings with a telescope at their disposal. And this civilization
would soon be advanced enough to reach the moon. Unfortunately, there is
no way of guaranteeing to meet the requirement in point
5. This point reduces the likelihood of a "mooncrater message" being the
solution. Similarly, the requirement of point
6. is left unsatisfied because the defaced craters could not repair themselves.
On the other hand, point
7. is satisfied, since if the crater really did bear a message, it would
be intended for us and it would be one we would surely be able to decipher.
To summarise our conlusions, and put them in a nutshell: the mooncrater solution does not meet the requirements. |
is worthwhile searching those planets and moons that are near Earth. Particular
attention should be given to those heavenly bodies that most resemble our
own planet and which are closest to us. And that is, what we have done,
for after the exploration of the moon came
the investigation of Venus and Mars, to be followed by that of the rest
of the planets of the solar system. There
is nothing remarkable in this.
yet, we must exclude Venus as a candidate, because for time unknown the
surface of this planet has been uninhabitable, direct investigation of
the planet impossible. Its formations are subjected to strong erosion:
the existence of carbon based life capable of creating a message to last
a hundred million years is out of the question.
Which leaves us with Mars. |
Which leaves us with volcanic craters. At present, the planet in the solar system on which the most enormous volcanic mounds and peak craters are to be found is Mars. |
And probably in ten or twenty thousand years we would indeed be able to bring a volcano into being anywhere on the earth`s surface. But there would be no sense in doing it here, |
is not the case on Mars.
magma coming up thruogh the crust of Mars and forming a volcano would remain
there, since there has been no crustal movement on Mars for a very long
we were to position two points ( in our case two volcanoes ) on the same
crustal plate, then
relative positions of those points would be the same for hundreds of millions
of years.
if Mars` axle were to change position during that time.
We could build up the desired information using the volcanic cones to express it. |
we apply the seven points to the volcanoes on Mars we come to the surprising
conclusion that these volcanoes meet every requirement we specified. For,
the volcanoes are close to the place most likely to give forth the shoots
of intelligent life.
![]() The
enormous volcanoes on Mars
![]() The
'star map' drawed by
message communicated:
The middle distance of Sun-Earth, Sun-Murcury, Sun-Venus, Sun-Mars in other-and-other
form exact accurance.
The Radian angle chained to the middle distances and the micrifyed Sun-Earth
middle distance.
The Log. Natural number (e=2.7183). In 3 form and methode.
A new methode to construct radian angle.
a civilization stepping out into the cosmos - and taking photographs -
would become aware of these signs, pick up the signals. The signals would
have to be ones that such a civilization
like the one on Earth ) would be able to decipher.
In the CD made by the author we can see that all this is possible, since the volcanoes positioned on the Tharsis shield on Mars bear connections that, examined in the light of the above aspects, could be taken as an scientific message.
of Recognising Other Intelligences
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