Tense - Igeidő | Direct Speech - Egyenes beszéd | Reported Speech - Függő beszéd |
someone says a sentence. Later we want to tell someone else what the
first person said. Valaki más mondatát közvetítjük. |
this verb is in the present
tense, it's easy. We just put 'she says' and then the sentence. HA az állítmány jelen időben áll, akkor csak a mondat elé tesszük, hogy: "Azt mondja, hogy...". |
present tense | I like ice cream. | She says (that)+ she likes ice cream. |
BUT, if the
reporting verb is in the past
tense, then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech. DE, ha a főmondat állítmánya múlt idejű, akkor a mellékmondat igéjét eggyel a "múlt idő felé léptetjük". | ||
present simple | I like ice cream. | She said (that) she liked ice cream. |
present continuous | I am living in London. | She said (that) she was living in London. |
past simple | I bought a car. | She said (that) she had bought a car. OR She said (that) she bought a car. |
past continuous | I was walking along the street. | She said (that) she had been walking along the street. |
present perfect | I haven't seen Julie. | She said (that) she hadn't seen Julie. |
past perfect* | I had taken English lessons before. | She said (that) she had taken English lessons before. |
will | I'll see you later. | She said (that) she would see me later. |
would* | I would help, but.. | She said (that) she would help but... |
can | I can speak perfect English. | She said (that) she could speak perfect English. |
could* | I could swim when I was four. | She said (that) she could swim when she was four. |
shall | I shall come later. | She said (that) she would come later. |
should* | I should call my mother. | She said (that) she should call her mother |
might* | I might be late. | She said (that) she might be late |
must | I must study at the weekend. | She said (that) she must study at the weekend OR She said she had to study at the weekend. |
* doesn't change; + that elhagyható, nem kell vessző | ||
don't need to change the present tense into
the past if the information in direct speech is still true
(but this is
only for things which are general facts, and even then usually we like
to change the tense). Általános igazság esetén nem kell múlt időre váltani. | ||
The sky is blue. | She said (that) the sky is/was blue. |
Question - Egyenes kérdés |
Reported Questions - Függő kérdés |
tense changes are the same, and we keep the question word. The very
important thing though is that, once we tell the question to someone
isn't a question any more. So we
need to change the grammar to
a normal positive
sentence. Az igeidők ugyanúgy változnak, a kérdőszó megmarad. Mivel ez már nem igazi kérdés, így a szórend kijelentő (egyenes) lesz. | |
'Wh..' questions. Kérdőszóval bevezetett (kiegészítendő) kérdések | |
The direct question is in the present simple tense. We make a present simple question with 'do' or 'does' so I need to take that away. A fűggő kérdésben a 'do' vagy 'does' eltűnik. | Then I need to change the verb to the past simple. Az igét múlt időbe tesszük. |
"Where do you live?" | She asked me where I lived. |
"Where is Julie?" | She asked me where Julie was. |
direct question is the present simple of 'be'. We
make the question
form of the present simple of be by inverting (changing the position
of)the subject and verb. So, we need to change them back before putting
the verb into the past simple. Egyszerű kérdő mondatban a 'be' segédige szerepel, az alanyt és állítmányt felcseréltük. Cseréljük vissza a sorrendet és tegyük az igét múlt időbe. | |
"Where is the Post Office, please?" | She asked me where the Post Office was. |
"What are you doing?" | She asked me what I was doing. |
"Who was that fantastic man?" | She asked me who that fantastic man had been. |
if you need to report a 'yes/no'
question? We don't have any question words to help us. Instead, we
use 'if'. Eldöntendő kérdésnél nincs kérdőszó, helyette az 'if ~ vajon' használandó. | |
"Do you like chocolate?" | She asked me if I liked chocolate. |
"Do you love me?" | He asked me if I loved him. |
"Have you ever been to Mexico?" | She asked me if I had ever been to Mexico. |
"Are you living here?" |
She asked me if I was living here. |
Direct Request - Kívánság, óhaj - | Reported Request |
of these requests mean the same thing, so we don't need to report
every word when we tell another person about it. We simply use 'ask
me + to + infinitive'. Nem szükséges a másik személy minden szavát közvetíteni. Egyszerúen: 'Arra kér, hogy tegyek valamit'. | |
"Close the window, please" | "Could you close the window please?" OR: "Would you mind closing the window please?" |
"Please help me." | She asked me to help her. |
"Please don't smoke." | She asked me not to smoke. |
"Could you bring my book tonight?" | She asked me to bring her book that night. |
"Could you pass the milk, please?" | She asked me to pass the milk. |
"Would you mind coming early tomorrow?" | She asked me to come early the next day. |
To report a negative request, use 'not'. Tagadás 'nem'-mel. | |
"Please don't be late." | She asked us not to be late. |
Direct Order - Parancs - | Reported Order |
about if someone doesn't ask so politely? We
can call this an 'order'
in English, when someone tells you very
directly to do something. In fact, we make this into reported speech in
the same way as
a request. We just use 'tell'
instead of 'ask'. Az udvariatlan kérés neve: 'parancs'. Lehet ezt óhajként is közvetíteni. Inkább a 'tell - mondja' szót használjuk az 'ask - kér' helyett. | |
"Sit down!" | She told me to sit down. |
"Go to bed!" | He told the child to go to bed. |
"Don't worry!" | He told her not to worry. |
"Be on time!" | He told me to be on time. |
"Don't smoke!" | He told us not to smoke. |
Time Expressions with Reported Speech - Időt jelentő kifejezések a függő beszédben | |
when we change direct speech into reported speech we have to
change time expressions too. We don't always have to do this, however.
It depends on when we heard the direct speech and when we say the
reported speech. A függő beszédben sokszor ki kell cserélni az időt jelentő kifejezést, attól függően, mikor mondta a mondatot a másik, és mi mikor közvetítjük azt. | |
It's Monday. | Julie says "I'm leaving today". |
If I tell someone on Monday, | I say "Julie said she was
leaving today". |
If I tell someone on Tuesday, | I say "Julie said she was
leaving yesterday". |
If I tell someone on
Wednesday, |
I say "Julie said she was
leaving on
Monday". |
If I tell someone a month later, | I say "Julie said she was leaving that day". |
now | then / at that time |
today | yesterday / that day / Tuesday / the 27th of June |
yesterday | the day before yesterday / the day before / Wednesday / the 5th of December |
last night | the night before, Thursday night |
last week | the week before / the previous week |
tomorrow | today / the next day / the following day / Friday |
Forrás: perfect docplayer |
Reporting Verbs |
A függö beszéd igéi |
Say + (that) + clause | She said (that) she had already eaten. ("I've already eaten".) |
Azt mondta, (hogy) ő már evett. ("Én már ettem.") |
information: Tell + someone + (that) + clause |
I told John (that) I had seen the new film. ("I've seen the new film".) | Azt mondtan Johnnak, (hogy) már láttam az új filmet. ("Én már láttam az új filmet.") |
reporting order: Tell + someone + to + infinitive |
She told the children to go to bed. | Azt mondta a gyerekeknek, hogy feküdjenek le. |
question: Ask + someone + if / question word + clause | I asked my boss if I could leave early. She asked them where the station was. (NOT She asked them where was the station.) |
Megkérdeztem a főnökömtől, hogy korábban elmehetek-e. Azt kérdezte tőlük, hogy hol van az állomás. |
request: Ask + someone + to + infinitive |
I asked Lucy to pass me the salt. | Megkértem Lucyt, hogy adja oda a só nekem. |
ADVISE* = Give someone advice Advise + someone + to + infinitive |
She advised him to see a doctor. | Azt tanácsolta neki, hogy menjen orvoshoz. |
Advise + (that) + clause | The staff advise that you carry water at all times. | A személyzet azt javasolja, hogy mindig vigyünk vizet magunkkal. |
Advise + against + verb-ing | I'd advise against leaving early. | Azt tanácsolom, hogy ne távozzon korán. |
Agree + to + infinitive | We agreed to meet the following day. | Megegyeztünk abban, hogy másnap találkozunk. |
Agree + (that) + clause | I agreed that the children could do their homework later. | Egyetértek azzal. hogy a gyerekek később csinálják meg a leckéjüket. |
Apologise + (to + someone) + for + verb-ing | They apologised to us for being late. She apologised for forgetting the book. |
Bocsánatot kértek tőlünk, hogy késnek. Bocsánatot kért, hogy elfelejtkezett a könyvről. |
Apologise (+ to + someone) + for + noun | She apologised for the delay. | Bocsánatot kért a késés miatt. |
Decide + to + infinitive | They decided to go to the cinema. | Elhatározták, hogy moziba mennek. |
Decide + (that) + clause | They decided that they would go to the cinema. | Elhatározták, hogy moziba fognak menni. |
Encourage + someone + to + infinitive | She encouraged him to take the exam again. The teacher encouraged the students to ask questions. |
Arra ösztönözte őt, hogy menjen el ismét vizsgázni. A tanár arra bíztatta a tanulókat, hogy tegyenek fel kérdéseket. |
Explain + (that) + clause | The teacher explained that the course was finished. | A tanár elmondta, hogy a tanfolyam befejeződött. |
Explain + noun + to + someone | She explained the grammar to the students. (NOT: She explained me the grammar.) | Elmagyarázta a nyelvtant a diákoknnak. |
Explain + question word + to + infinitive | They explained how to buy a train ticket on the internet. John explained where to find the restaurant. | Emagyarázta, hogyan vegyenek az interneten vonatjegyet. John elmagyarázta, hol a vendégklő. |
Explain + question word + clause | We explained what the exams would cover. | Elmagyaráztunk, hogy mit takarnak a vizsgák. |
Insist* + on + verb-ing | He insisted on paying. | Ragaszkodott a fizetéshez. |
Insist + (that) + clause | He insisted that we sit down. | Ragaszkodott ahhoz, hogy üljünk le. |
Promise + to + infinitive |
He promised to arrive early. | Megígérte, hogy korán érkezik. |
Promise + (someone) + (that) + clause | I promised him that I wouldn't do it again. | Megígértem neki, hogy nem csinálom újra. |
Recommend* + verb-ing | I recommend visiting the British Museum while you're in London. | Javasoltam, hogy látogassák meg a British Múzeumot, amikor legközelebb Lndonban járnak. |
Recommend + (that) + clause | I recommend that you visit the British Museum | Javasoltam, hogy látogassad meg a British Múzeumot. |
Remind + someone + to + infinitive | She reminded him to take his keys. | Emlékeztette őt, hogy vigye el a kulcsát. |
Remind + someone + (that) + clause | They reminded me that there is a party tonight. | Emlékeztettek arra engem, hogy ma este van a parti. |
Suggest* + verb-ing | I suggest leaving soon. | Azt javaslom, hogy hamarosan távozzon. |
Suggest + (that) + clause | I suggest that you come as soon as you can. (NOT: I suggest you to come.) | Azt javaslom, hogy jöjjön be, amint csak lehetséges. |
Warn + someone + to + infinitive | I warned them not to go in the water. | Figyelmeztettem őket, hogy ne menjenek be a vízbe. |
Warn + someone + about + something | She warned us about the dangerous roads. | Figyelmeztetett minket a veszélyes utakra. |
NegativesTo make the verbs that we have reported negative, we need to look at the verb pattern: |
TagadásA függő beszédben tagadáskor kell vizsgálnunk az igemintát: |
When there's a clause, we make the negative in the usual way: |
She said that she didn't like ice cream. Azt mondta, hogy nem szereti a fagylaltot. |
Ha van mellékmondat, akkor a szokásos módon képezzük a tagadást: |
When there's 'to + infinitive', we generally put 'not' before 'to': |
He promised not to do it again. Megígérte, hogy nem teszi meg újra. |
Ha ott van „to + főnévi igenév”, akkor általában a „nem” elé helyezzük a "to"-t: |
When there's 'verb-ing', we generally put 'not' in front of it: | I advise not taking the bus. Azt tanácsolom, hogy ne menjen busszal. |
Amikor van „ing-es ige”, általában a „nem”-et tesszük előre: |
* Advanced Point |
Haladóknak |
In formal English, some verbs that are followed by '(that) + clause'
use the infinitive instead of a present tense verb. Some people suggest that this is a kind of subjunctivein English. You only need to worry about this in very formal writing. Mostly, this doesn't make a
difference, because the present simple form in English is often the same as the infinitive form. But when the subject is 'he', 'she' or 'it' or when the verb is 'be', we can see it clearly. A hivatalos angolban egyes igéket - melyeket '(hogy) + mellékmondat' követ - főnévi igenévvel használják a jelen idejű ige helyett. Egyesek szerint ez az angolban egyfajta kötőmód. Emiatt csak a nagyon hivatalos szövegek esetén kell aggódni. Legtöbbször ez nem változtat meg semmit, mert a jelenlegi egyszerű angol forma gyakran megegyezik a főnévi igenevesformával. De ha a tárgy "ő" vagy "az", vagy ha az ige létige, akkor ezt tisztán láthatjuk. |
I advise that he go to bed early. (Normally we'd expect: I advise that he goes to bed early.) I insist that she come now. (Normally we'd expect: I insist that she comes now.) They suggested that the cats be put in the garden for the night. (Normally we'd expect: They suggested that the cats are put in the garden for the night.) |
Azt javaslom, hogy menjen korán lefeküdni. (Általában azt várják el tőlünk: "go" helyett "goes" - 1. szám 3. személyben.) Ragaszkodom hozzá, hogy most jöjjön. ("come" helyett "comes") Azt javasolták, hogy tegyék a macskákat éjszakára a kertbe. ("be put" helyett "are put") |
▲ Source-Forrás: www.perfect-english-grammar.com |